ABSOLUTELY! AdWords PPC campaigns give you the ability to target quality consumers in the buying process, manage your budget in detail and get amazing performance reports. Why wouldn't you use AdWords is the real question! This is a perfect platform for efficient internet advertising that is guaranteed to produce positive results. This form of advertising is much more based on quality than quantity, which insures that your reaching those consumers interested in your product or service.
Target Quality Consumers
Imagine that your spending $3.50 per click on AdWords advertising, these clicks lead directly to a visit to your website and can lead to a conversion if your consumer can find what they're looking for easily on your website. Now, think of walking around and handing out $3.50 to potential consumers around town that seem like they would be interested in your product or service and asking them to visit your website. This is much like the way traditional advertising works to obtain consumers. There is a higher likelihood that these people around town will not visit your website and if they do they're not looking for anything in particular because you cannot tell if they would be open to purchasing your product or service. Through AdWords you grab that person during the searching and/ or buying process, which guarantees you much more "quality" consumers. At a relatively low cost you can obtain these "quality" consumers that are actively searching for your product or service and bring them straight to your website. Our SEO services allow your website to rank higher on Google's organic searches this is another way to boost your Google search engine presence.
Flexible Budget Management
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising gives the client the ability to spend the exact amount per day that best suites their business model. This is very beneficial because in most traditional advertising you spend money that is not guaranteed to produce results, with PPC advertising that's not the case. The money that you spend per click attributes directly to a visit to your website and possibly a conversion. So your only paying for clicks that lead to a visit on your website, which allows your budget to be much lower than when using traditional advertising techniques. This gives the client a much higher and well tracked ROI (Return On Investment) with AdWords rather than traditional advertising.
Detailed Performance Reporting
Google Analytics allows us to produce incredibly detailed reports that show every aspect of your AdWords campaign and website performance. We are able to customize these reports to provide the exact data that is driving your website traffic, down to the exact search query performed and where that person went on your website. These types of reports are great sources of gaging how your campaigns and ads are doing within AdWords, even your website in general. From there we are able to optimize the keywords, ad content and max cost-per-click within your campaigns for optimal performance.
For a small business this a tremendous way of generating a large amount of traffic to a website. Remember, this is not just random traffic these are "qualified" consumers that are ready to commit a buying behavior which leads to more sales and conversions for your business. In this world of constant Google searches for any and everything, Google AdWords is an incredible advertising tool that is changing the game on internet marketing and advertising. Let Gennovacap build a campaign for your business and you can see for yourself this amazing tool in action! Ready to see real ROI and not just throw money at marketing efforts? Come talk to us we can show you just how its done!
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